The Department of English and IQAC of Sindhi College organize a one-day workshop on “Effective Strategies for Mastering the Four Language Skills” on 10 February, 2025 at the conference hall. Department of Business Administration in association with IQAC organizes an inter-departmental Business Expo 2025 on 14th February 2025 at the Central Hall. All are invited.

Code Of Conduct For Students

  • markunread_mailbox  Students are expected to attend the classes regularly.
  • markunread_mailbox  Attendance requirement should be fulfilled by each and every student if not they will not be allowed to take the University examinations.
  • markunread_mailbox  Students must wear college ID card as soon as they enter the college.
  • markunread_mailbox  Students are not permitted to roam the college campus during class hours.
  • markunread_mailbox  Possession or use of any illegal substance is strictly prohibited. Students found guilty of any of these will be suspended or dismissed from the college.
  • markunread_mailbox  Students found in an intoxicated state on campus will be dismissed immediately.
  • markunread_mailbox  Unnecessary gatherings on campus are banned. Students who participate in them are liable to be suspended/dismissed from the college.
  • markunread_mailbox  Students should not damage any of the college property (chairs, benches, tables, walls, etc.) A heavy fine will be levied on students who misuse/damage college property.
  • markunread_mailbox  Use of mobile phones in the classroom is banned. If found guilty, phones will be seized and will be returned upon payment of the levied fine. If the same is repeated, cell phones will only be returned after the completion of the course.
  • markunread_mailbox  Students are instructed to maintain decorum inside the campus and in the canteen. Boys and girls are instructed to use the dining space allotted to them.
  • markunread_mailbox  Littering is prohibited. Students are expected to keep the campus neat and clean.
  • markunread_mailbox  Students who use two-wheeler should wear helmet and possess driving license compulsorily if not they will not be allowed inside the college campus.
  • markunread_mailbox  Violence, assault, harassment, intimidation, threats, or any activities that threaten or endanger the health and safety of fellow students or staff are not permitted. Strict disciplinary action will be taken on students who engage in any of these.
  • markunread_mailbox  Jeans, t-shirts, and sleeveless attire are strictly prohibited. Students are expected to dress modestly; boys should have a proper haircut.
  • markunread_mailbox  Ragging is strictly prohibited both within and outside the college campus. It is a criminal offence as per law, and will attract serious disciplinary action.
  • markunread_mailbox  Birthday celebrations and Bus day celebrations are strictly prohibited.